Jamila Pari (first episode)


Jamila Pari

Hazrat Sahib, a member of the spiritual world ... adopted Beautiful and attractive Miss ... Jamila Why becomes a tool of jinn ... In other solar systems ... From space creatures ... Makes connections? ... With the magical aspects of attraction between the masculine and the feminine, the devilish tricks and the spiritual elders ... In silent measures ... A unique storey for an interesting conflict between good and evil۔

In the tribal conflict, families fell in love with Allah. At the age of eleven, Jamila was left alone to see these horrible scenes with her own eyes. God-fearing people took care of Jamila as much as possible. But despite months of medical treatment and other measures, Jamila could not return to a moderate life. It was Jamila's custom to weep and wail from morning to evening. Someone reported that an elderly woman lived alone in a village several miles away. Those who are bound by fasting and prayers. Many incurable patients have been healed by their spiritual healing. The people there devoutly call her Nani Aman. Why not take Jamila to her grandmother? Then one day some people took the inherited Jamila to her grandmother.

After knowing Jamila's condition in detail, the grandmother placed Jamila on her knees in front of her and placed both hands on her head and recited Surah Q.

Then Nani Aman addressed Jamila: Betty Khair and Shar are the basic characters of the universe ... This world is going on with the mutual conflict of good and evil. Everything is playing its role ... So you have to play your part ... Like you, my family has become dear to God. Stay with me today if you want And start your new life. I offer Asr prayers and see you again.

Jamila was sitting as usual. As if he hadn't heard anything.

Grandmother said this and went to another room. Everyone was amazed at Nani Aman's unexpected offer and started talking to each other. People also tried to address Jamila ... But Jamila became a picture of absence ... Remained silent Grandmother came back after praying. And they brought with them syrup made of dates, and they all drank.

Grandmother addressed Jamila with great love. Jamila, do you remember my words?

Jamila spoke unexpectedly. Grandmother, your words have been imprinted on my mind word for word.

Grandmother said: God willing, my daughter is completely cured by the grace of God. Then what did my daughter think?

Jamila accepted Nani Aman's offer. No one understood Jamila's sudden surrender to a stranger like this. However, after losing her family, Jamila started her new life with her grandmother.

Grandmother used to keep her spiritual Imam Hazrat Sahib informed of her every step. He immediately came to the service of Hazrat Sahib and introduced Jamila in absentia.

Hazrat Sahib said: May Allah give you a great reward ... Grandmother, you have done a great job by supporting the helpless girl ... Now my advice is ... That Jamila is my daughter from today ... You will take special care of his education and training for the purpose of comfort and ease. Jamila grew up in your company ... She will surely do a great deed by the grace of Allah.

Granny Aman says goodbye to literature and says: I understood Hazrat Sahib ... Jamila, I have your trust ... Inshallah I will take care of Jamila more than myself.

Grandmother used to come and go with people for spiritual healing. Jamila got acquainted with this special environmental training along with her education and became young ... To make Nani Aman Jamila her own ... Most of the time she used to give advice ... But Jamila, as usual, seldom accepted advice.

One day a few women ... Granny came to breathe from her mother ... Jamila was on the roof. Grandmother called Jamila from the roof ... That it is going to be evening, make tea ... Jamila came down from the roof ... So the grandmother was upset to see the mother ... Jamila had a high fever. And shivering from the cold.

Grandmother said: Daughter, you went to the roof very happily. How did the sudden fever come about? Saying this, Nani Aman along with her indigenous measures ... breathed and also prayed ... Then Jamila's health began to improve.

Then Grandmother's advice began: How many times have you said That smells so good ... So with open hair ... in the evening... Don't go on the roof But you don't believe ... Then the grandmother hugs Jamila and says lovingly ... Now tell me what happened on the roof?

Jamila said: Grandma and I have been feeling the shadow behind me on the roof for a long time.

Grandmother and mother speak immediately: My daughter, you should have told me on the first day

Jamila said: Grandma, you know I'm not afraid of such things at all. Whenever I felt the shadow ... I addressed him and said ... Don't be afraid of me ... Come in front of me But he may not have the courage to face it.

Among the women who come to suffocate ... One girl was Salma. Salma asked Jamila in an interrogative manner: Is he a man or a woman?

Jamila said: Today, for the first time, that shadow was so close behind me that it felt like a man.

Grandmother immediately said: You should have read Ayatollah Al-Kursi.

Jamila said: Grandmother ... That ugly coward ... Suddenly he came after me ... That's why I couldn't control my senses ... To avoid my anger when it comes to ... He had to recite the verse of Al-Kursi.

Grandmother looks up at the sky and takes a deep breath and says: The century is about to begin. New evil plans will emerge.

Jamila asked: Grandmother, what is this sound?

Grandmother said: The scholar explains. That such devils will appear in this century. Which no one has ever seen ... Would not have heard I pray that you do something important in this war of good and evil and enlighten the name of your grandmother's training ... So that I can be happy in front of Hazrat Sahib.

All the women were listening intently. Salma said: Grandmother, can we play a role in this war?

Grandmother said: why not... For this you sincerely ... You have to prepare yourself mentally. Then the elders of the spiritual world ... In terms of sincerity ... I Will choose you too Now it's time for my evening prayers. Remind me whenever you come next ... So that I can focus on your spiritual training.

The woman asked permission ... And the grandmother, while going for prayers, said to Jamila: That you rest now, come to me at night ... Today is Thursday. You have an important task to start today.

Jamila came to the service of her grandmother before going to bed at night. Giving a pamphlet, the grandmother said: Scholarship is written in this leaflet. From tonight, when you sleep, you should read this ... And if you see anything in a dream or waking, tell me ... So that I can guide you.

Jamila started following her grandmother's words. But she deliberately reversed the scholarship. On the seventh day, Jamila dreamed that: It is enclosed in a very large glass globe. Above the globe is an orange human monster with vague limbs. Looking at Jamila.

Jamila Nani does not mention the dream to her mother. Then, seven days later, Jamila dreams: The earth is enclosed in a huge glass globe. And Jamila sees herself outside the globe. Jamila feels dressed like an orange monster. Jamila thinks that ... Didn't I become a hero somewhere? Then she is happy to see her hands and feet that my hands and feet are very clear. And I have come out of the globe in which the world is closed.

Jamila doesn't even mention her second dream to her grandmother.

Jamila now often stands on the roof ... With women coming for spiritual healing ... She could see those black monsters. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. Among the women surrounded by various problems, Jamila would see a black monster on the navel of a woman. On someone's shoulders Behind someone But when the women returned after suffocating, it was not hooliganism.

Jamila does not mention all these conditions and observations to Nani Aman. In the same way, after another seven days have passed, Jamila's heart begins to tear from noon onwards. That today will be an extraordinary dream again.

Jamila was thinking like this. That grandmother gives voice to mother Jamila. And she says I'm getting fruit and drinks to eat. You should quickly clean the house and smoke incense. Today, for the first time, Hazrat Sahib is visiting us.

Jamila asks in surprise: Grandmother ... Hazrat Sahib who is your spiritual Imam. And have an important place in the spiritual world?

Grandmother says: Yes, daughter, this is our good fortune. That they are appearing here.

Jamila is still putting on incense after cleaning quickly. She sees: Two milky monsters are entering the house. A young man and a woman are following him. The grandmother greets the young man and woman very politely and takes them into the room. Then the two red monsters enter the house and stand to the right and left of the door. 


According to the instructions of Jamila Nani Aman ... After performing ablutions, she goes to the room with fruits and drinks. And she kneels before Hazrat Sahib and sits down politely.

Granny Aman introduces Hazrat Sahib This is Jamila.

Hazrat Sahib puts his left hand on his chest and his right hand on Jamila's head and recites Surah Kawthar.

Then Hazrat Sahib addresses Jamila: Jamila, you are my daughter, my grandmother keeps me informed of your every situation. I also inquire about your well-being from time to time. I would be happy for you to consider me your father and say something to me. And if Grandma ever has a complaint, she should tell me.

Jamila says to Adab: Hazrat Sahib Grandmother and mother take great care of me. Still, if anything happens, I will definitely tell you.

Hazrat Sahib says: Jamila, by the way, whoever is present in front of you ... You can call him Hazrat. But tell me Baba, Daddy, Papa or Abu whichever you like.

Then Hazrat Sahib Nani addresses Aman: Today the new century of this planet has begun. Satan's grip will be greater than ever in this century. That is why new devils will always appear.

Grandmother knows: Hazrat What will Satan's new possibilities be in this century?

Hazrat Sahib, while smiling, turned his attention to the woman who came with him and said: Nusrat ۔۔۔۔۔ What do you say about Satan's possible move?

Nusrat opens her mouth with humility and submission. The possibility must be identified with the obligation. Besides, Hazrat ... You know

Hazrat Sahib says: In fact, the possibility is hidden in the obligatory. Only Allah knows the rest. What an opportunity for a servant.

Then everyone eats fruit and drinks. Hazrat Sahib Nani thanks Aman. And they say, "Grandmother, we enjoyed your physical presence very much." May Allah is pleased with you Now we will ask your permission.

Grandmother says: Hazrat, this is my good fortune. That I had your physical presence. I pray to Allah to grant you a physical presence in the real world as well. Everyone says ... Amen

After Hazrat Sahib leaves, Jamila asks: Grandmother, who was this Nusrat?

Granny Aman says: This is Hazrat Mankuha. And they have a special place in the spiritual world.

Jamila thinks that I should also know about the adventures that come with Hazrat Sahib? Then she thinks. When I have to tell ... Grandmother will tell mother herself.

Then Jamila starts thinking about tonight. Jamila was sure that an extraordinary dream would come today. But at night, as soon as Jamila finishes her scholarship. The purple hyacinth is politely found in front of her.

Jamila is happy to see this. That she is succeeding in her endeavour. And in a domineering tone, she addresses the monster: Who are you?

Hayuli says: I am jinn My name is Khulsan. I have come to pick you up from Sarai Latif.

Jamila asks: What is Latif?

Khulsan says: Located on the third sea. Sarai Latif Spacious and beautiful palace. Which is the welfare centre of this planet.
Since Khulsan's hands and feet are obscure. He points to the left. Then a grey sheet appears on the floor.

He says: Jamila, come to this sheet. We will reach the palace in one minute and thirty-six seconds.

Arriving at the palace, Jamila was enjoying the beauty of the palace on one side. On the other hand, she was getting nervous and talking to herself.
 Why no one is visible?
Is it a palace or a desert?
And...... And where did this sincerity bring me here and die?

The next moment she saw the seven red monsters coming towards her and was satisfied ... Someone is here. The seven giants approached Jamila and spoke together:

We welcome you to Sarai Latif, the great welfare centre...Come on

The seven monsters move forward, Jamila behind them, the hands and feet of any monster are not clear. The transparent palace of glass was located on the water. Seeing the water flowing under her feet, Jamila enters the inner part of the palace, playing games.

The interior of the palace was so wide around it that Jamila's eyes could not cover the palace. Jamila around her ... After a long-distance ... Far from the point of view Groups of colourful monsters were watching intently.

As Jamila was moving forward ... More and more people were paying attention to him ... Jamila's initiative was taking a toll on the environment. Then stop the seven giants ... Of the two beautiful thrones facing each other ... Pointing to one, they say together:
You stay here. And return themselves.

Jamila leans on the throne and looks at the surroundings. Sees ... 
On the right is a wide pond. On one side of the pond is a mound of pearls. Above which water is falling from a large waterfall ... The sound of the waterfall was booming in the audience.

A blue hyacinth in so many ... And with it two red giants ... Come to Jamila. blue monsters greet Jamila

and sits on the front seat and addresses her. My name is Jawar ... It will be a great pleasure to hear from you ... That our board for the welfare of the earthly plan of power ... Introducing you to the New Century program ... Wants to give an important position.

Jamila says: I think it's more of an honour than a pleasure.

Jawar says: Indeed... But ... This palace and we are all here because of one ideology.

So we have to talk to each other for ideological harmony. After ideological harmony ... you will swear an oath. Then as a board member ... The board will prepare for the meeting.
If you are ready, let's start with the theoretical points.

Jamila says: why not...... One moment is very precious. We should value it.

Jawar says: Man is not qualified for the great earthly plan of power.
From the incompetence of man, both humanity itself and the earthly plan of power are close to destruction.

Man and earthly life are inseparable. Humanity can be saved by saving the earthly project from destruction. Therefore, in order to be silent in the face of power, human beings on earth and jinn on earth should work together.

Any individual or group of jinn and humans ... Despite being informed, it caused death. So it is obligatory to kill him.

Then Jawar adds: I am sure you will agree with our view.

Jamila says: The moment is very important. Takes a moment to turn around ... How can the eligibility be assessed even before the appointed time? Besides, there is no doubt that without this ideology we will not be able to withstand the new tribulations that are to come.

Jawar says: I understand that..... You won't be surprised to know that ... At this time, in addition to the palace, our group is not only watching you in space. He is even listening. And your conversation has affected everyone. And the central cabinet of the board has given me this. On behalf of all of them, I welcome you once again.
Saying this, Jawar and the two monsters return.

Then come the seven pink monsters. And Jamila together ... Welcome in a feminine voice.

Jamila finds out: Are you female She answers: Yes

Jamila then asks the question: Is pink feminine?

She says no Please! Only you can see the colours. There are different flows of tribes and degrees in our waves. And at every level, there are both males and females. Then she immediately asks: Are you ready for the oath of allegiance?

Jamila says: Yes..... I also have to go through this stage soon to prepare for the meeting.

She says: You undress. Then walk under the waterfall. Jamila walks naked to the waterfall with them. She says: You will stand under the waterfall with both hands on your head. Then whatever we say ... You will hear it and repeat it.
Jamila puts both hands on her head and stands under the waterfall. She reads the theoretical points first.

Then she reads Jamila's answer. Then she takes an oath on the answer given by Jamila. That:. If I disagree with the answer given by me, then the water by which I got life. Let me drown in that water. Jamila repeats the same thing.

She then congratulates Jamila and takes her with her to prepare for the board meeting.

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